Exclusive Savings are Waiting for You


I absolutely hate missing out on a sale! I mean, come on, I’m a mom! Save money when spending money? YES PLEASE!

Okay I have to share this story with you. I could just kick myself! Uh, okay. So the other day I was shopping online, and you know there's no amount of money you could pay me to go clothes shopping with twin toddlers!

So I try to do all my shopping online but this particular day I was really, really focused on trying to get my order up high enough so that I could get the free shipping. Because we're moms, we want to save every penny that we can and never want to overspend when it's not necessary. So we're always up for a good deal, right?

So I got my order up high enough so that I could get the free shipping and place my order. Everything was fine and dandy until I realized that there was a coupon out there for 30 percent off my order. I could have just kicked myself!

Imagine the amount of clothes that I could have gotten with that extra 30 percent off! It's just a frustrating. I do you guys ever felt that way?

I'm going to let you in on a little secret. Because if you hate missing out on a good savings as much as I do, then I don't want you to miss out on this secret!

If you have a home business, you have exclusive access to savings that other people don't get. Did you know that?

Having a home business is one of the smartest things that you can do.

The reason for that is because it is twofold on the financial benefit. First of all you're earning an income from your home business but you also get exclusive savings that other people who are not business owners don't have access to.

Savings on things like your Internet, home insurance, mortgage, house cleaning, house repairs, your Sam's Club membership, even medical expenses.

The way that you claim these savings is on your taxes with a tax deduction. As I said your home mortgage, your home insurance, potentially a hundred percent of your medical expenses can be tax deductions. These are things that somebody who's not a business owner would not be able to claim on their taxes. 

You could argue that if you itemized on your taxes, then you could reap the savings. But in actuality you'll only save a small portion of what you could deduct as a business expense because you can't itemize your internet, cell phone, house cleaning, etc.

There are sooooo many ways to save with tax deductions, it's hard to keep up! And we're moms! Who has time to research a list of deductions?!

But don't worry, I've totally got you covered!

Because I'm still hurting about over paying on those clothes and I don't want you guys to be over paying either anymore. So I put together this huge list of like 70 deductions that you may not be aware of and put it all on an Ultimate Tax Deduction Cheat Sheet

I want to give that to you guys completely free. So just click here to get your free Deduction Cheat Sheet sent straight to you.

You can't save if you don't know about it! Right? So get that list take a look through it to see if you can recoup some of those expenses that actually qualified for a business tax deduction. I want you guys to get the biggest tax deduction that you can get!

So again, click here to claim that free Deduction Cheat Sheet. Alright? I hope you guys have a great evening and I really hope that this helps you. It's time to quit overpaying on taxes once and for all.

Talk to you soon!



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