Is Black Friday worth it?

I am not a big fan of going out on Black Friday. Why you ask? Crowded stores, rude customers fighting for the last item, insanely early mornings...(or should I say crazy late nights?). No thank you! I'll take my chances by shopping early, shopping online Black Friday deals, waiting for Cyber Monday, or waiting for those last minute Christmas sales.

Beware of low quality items during Black Friday

Did I mention that a lot of times the items for sale on Black Friday are usually sub-par items? TVs that you wouldn't normally consider because of its technology or low reviews all the sudden become the rage when they are on sale for Black Friday. Do yourself a favor and whatever the product is, research it before going out to buy it!


Say that heading in your best Cookie Monster voice, lol!

But what if you're the type that loves the thrill of the shopping on Black Friday? And the temptation of a potentially amazing deal is simply more than you can bare? Then by all means shop to your hearts content! Just make sure you have a plan so you don't blow your budget this month.

Sales are not an excuse to overspend

Here are my best tips on how to shop during Black Friday (or any sale / shopping spree for that matter):

Set a spending limit

Know how much you have to spend without taking your budget into the negative. If you have a savings account for gift-giving or a slush fund for using on whatever you want, then you can pull from one of these accounts. Or you can change your budget goals for the month, spending less on other areas (like eating out or entertainment) so you can spend more on gifts. Once you know how much you have to spend, set this in stone & refuse to spend more than this.

Make a list

You'll also want to have a game plan before you start buying. Know who you want to buy for and either what you want to buy (if you've been looking at the Black Friday ads) or how much you want to spend. Do not deviate from this list! If you see an item for sale that doesn't fit your list, do not buy it! Impulse buys may be because of a good deal but if you can't control your spending, you'll never have the financial situation you dream of!

I could go on and on but who wants to talk about controlling your spending when you could be enjoying a cup of coffee or reading books with your kiddos? I'm off to get the babies who just woke up from their nap. Have a great day & make sure to let me know how you're going to plan for budget success this Black Friday!



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