We have one life to live, how are you spending it?

When you sit back and think of your life, is it filled with saying "not now" or is it filled with saying "sure, why not"? Today I listened to an amazing coaching call in Mom Mastery University that talked about the 17 Habits of a Highly Effective Mom. Do you know what one of those habits is? Saying yes to experiencing life.

At first I was confused on why this would be an important habit but as we delved deeper into the meaning I realized that this habit is about living life to the fullest rather than living it to go to a job, keep a clean house, make meals, get your kids to their appointments/obligations, & make sure homework is done.

I always used to tell my husband that I didn't think God created us just to spend our life working at a job all day long. After quitting my job when the twins were born so I could be a stay at home mom, I thought - I'm now spending my days at a "job" I've always dreamed of having. But after today's coaching call I'm looking at what I do day in and day out & see that although I have the "job" I want, I'm not doing it how I want. I am so worried about raising our kids right - in a clean home with warm meals on the table and their homework done, teaching them proper manners (ok, I'm not the best at this) & how to learn consequences for their actions. I've forgotten the true meaning of raising kids! Teaching them how to experience life & have fun!

Instead of saying no to everything that doesn't allow me to finish my to-do list, I need to start saying yes to spontaneity & making memories (experiencing life) with my kids, husband, friends, & even just myself.

Do you find yourself in this boat as well? It's time to break out of this life of saying no (because we don't have time or because it will make a mess or because we have to fold a load of laundry & clean the kitchen). And start saying yes! Yes to doing homework outside in between jumping out of the swing or riding the bike down the hill; yes to making an impromptu nature walk instead of nagging at the kids to pick up their room. And why not go big?! How about yes to taking that trip overseas that you've been dreaming about for years?!

Stop saying no & start saying yes to making the memories of a lifetime!

But how can we do this without leaving our house a mess or our dinner table filled with fast food or our bank account with a negative balance? That, my friend, is what we learn in Mom Mastery University (MMU)! That and so much more! There are so many skills that we never learn as adults that can set us up for success & a life full of fun, love, and amazing memories.

Right before school started, I took a Facebook group through some of the skills I've learned in MMU that help us parents have fun with our kids & still be productive with our time. But that challenge just scratches the surface of what MMU teaches. If you want to get a taste of what we learn about in Mom Mastery University, fill out the form on this page & choose whether you'd like to listen to one free class or if you want a 1-week trial to get access to hundreds of trainings & the 7-day Master Mom Makeover.

Stop saying no & start saying yes - what do you have to lose?

With love, Jill



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