Unlock the secret to achieving unbelievable goals

We're almost through our first month of 2018! Can you believe it?! Have you given up on your goals or are you still believing in them? Are you making the kind of headway you were hoping for? There is an important aspect of goal setting that so many people don't know or don't really understand.

Your faith and actions have to be aligned!

There are two parts to this statement. First, if you have faith but don't take action then you'll never hit your goals. On the other hand, if you take action but don't believe in the goal you want, you'll self sabotage yourself (sometimes even after hitting your goal). The first part is pretty easy to understand so we'll focus on the latter.

If you want to be wealthy but in your heart of hearts you don't believe you're the type of person that deserves to be wealthy, then you'll hit a glass ceiling in achieving your goals. On the conscious level we know what we want but on the subconscious level we're telling ourselves that we aren't really that type of person.

Think about it, how would you feel if you only owed money on your house and no other debt? Does that feel good? What if you were 100% debt free? Still think that's the life for you? Now, what if you had a home business and were making a 6-figure income from it? Are you starting to feel a little unsure or anxious?

You've just found where your subconscious ceiling is!

This tells us that you need to do some inside work that turns you into the person that embodies a 6-figure income. Or 100 lb weight loss. Or a homeschooling mom. Or a mom who plays with her kids instead of yells at them. Or that has a rockin' hot marriage. If any of these things (or more!) gets you anxious when you think about actually living that life, let's get to work!

Have you ever heard that you have to act like the type of person that lives your goals before you can actually become that person? That's because we have to get your mind / subconscious and habits in line with the future you want to have. So how do we do that?

Take a look at your goals. Now what would you do daily if you had achieved that go already? If it's a monetary goal, would you have a budget? Would you have an emergency fund? Would you spend wisely instead of frivolously? What about a weight loss goal? Would you plan your meals ahead of time? Would you stock your fridge and pantry with healthy foods?

One of our goals is to buy a bigger house for our growing family. I thought this was about being a good steward of our money, budgeting and spending wisely so we could save up the money. But I realized that it's more than that! I started looking around our house and saw that I was not taking care of my current home in a way that shows I am ready to take care of a larger house. So I changed my actions and made a 90 day goal to have our house 100% clean & organized so I can implement a cleaning routine that helps me stay on top of things at the house.

Show God you're ready!

When I show God that I can effectively take care of the house I currently have, He will see I'm ready to be blessed with a bigger house. So what are you showing God about your current money situation? Are you taking care of your money in a way that shows Him you're ready for more? Are you taking care of your body in a healthy way that shows Him you're ready for weight loss? Are you interacting with your kids in a way that shows Him you're ready to be a stay at home mom? Are you treating yourself in a way the shows Him you’re ready for the man of your dreams?

When you align your actions with your words, you WILL achieve your goals and you'll hit them faster than you thought possible! If you want a jump start on getting the life you want, join me with Hannah Keeley in a FREE 3-day Mom Bootcamp! It's all online and will be life changing! Sign up below.

<3 Jill


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