It's birthday time at our house!

November begins a whirlwind of birthdays in our house. We celebrate 4 birthdays plus Christmas all in 7 weeks! Sheesh. To say our budget takes a hit during this time of year is an understatement! Not to mention the cost of party planning. So what's a mom to do?! 

Fail to plan & you plan to fail

In the past our budget has always been the number one priority for me because time wasn't really an issue. Now that I have twin babies, making 4 kids total, I have no time and am learning how to balance time without sacrificing money. Why? Because it seems that there is always a trade off - if you don't want to spend time then you'll spend more money (think meal planning vs going out to eat). And if you don't want to spend money, you'll inevitably spend more time planning.

But what if you don't want to sacrifice either? Spend as little time as possible and as little money as possible? Does that seem like a pipe dream? Well it's not! It's all about starting your preparation insanely...

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